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    Pedal it out

    When life gives you chaos

    Ride The Chaos is a mantra to overcome everyday obstacles. Just like riding a gnarly single track, with practice and the right tools you can pedal through whatever’s in front of you. This riding metaphor has helped me conquer the chaos and inspired us to start making shirts to help others too.



    Happy place demon


    snow and dirt

    Because riding can save lives

    For many of us, riding is more than just exercise or a hobby. It's an outlet to work out the struggle and quiet the demons. There’s something about being out in nature while physically challenging yourself that gets your head straight. It’s therapy and meditation.

    Riding can be a lifesaver for someone with mental health issues. This is why we want to share its healing power and help make it more accessible to those who need an outlet.





    Let's ride!

    Let’s ride!